Day 4-Cardiogolf 1000 Practice Swing Challenge-How to Start Your Golf Fitness Program

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Cardiogolf 1000 Practice Swing Challenge

The challenge is straightforward-simply make 1000 practice swings, 30 swings a day, during the month to improve your swing technique and increase clubhead speed.  You don’t need to go to the driving range or golf course, you can simply make practice swings in your garage or living room at home a few minutes a day (just make sure that you don’t whack the ceiling or walls!)

If you don’t have enough room to swing a regular club, use the ‘Shortee Practice Training Club’ by GolfGym.  Click here for more information. 

Many of you may be eager to start a golf-fitness program but unsure of how or where to start. The key to developing a golf fitness program to fit your particular needs is to find out what golf related restrictions, if any, your body has. Performing a golf fitness screen can help you give you a starting point and determine what exercises you should be performing.

If you cannot do certain functional moves in everyday life-like squatting, lunging or even bending over, then you will have difficulty in certain parts of your golf swing.

A basic golf-specific screen simply gives you key information about your physical condition. In order for you and your fitness professional to design a golf-specific exercise program, it is important to have a plan. With a golf-specific fitness screen, you will be able to determine any physical limitations that may be affecting your performance on the golf course.

Day 4

Cardiogolf On-Course Drill-Monitor Your Grip Pressure (Golf Tip)

To increase clubhead speed you need to have light grip pressure.  If your hands are gripping the club too tightly then you won’t be able to swing freely.  Tension kills speed. Spend a few minutes today thinking and working on your grip.

Cardiogolf Off-Course Exercise to Determine Physical Limitations (Golf Fitness)

Overhead Deep Squat to Test Lower Body Strength and Stability

This test will help you measure the overall mobility in your legs, ankles, shoulders and spine.  If you are unable to perform this test, it is likely that you will not able to maintain your spine angle throughout your downswing.  The natural tendency is to thrust your hips toward the ball at the start of the downswing, thus pulling yourself up and out of the shot causing an array of errant shots and loss of power. Low results in the overhead deep squat test may be related to C and S-postures and lack or rotation.

How to Perform Test

Standing in your golf address position, place a club behind your back or simply raise your arms above your head while holding a golf club.

  • Perform a squat as you attempt to maintain your original spine angle.
  • Keep your arms raised over you head. Keep your knees aligned over your feet and heels planted on the ground.
  • Maintain your balance.

Deep Squat test

Scoring Your Results

1-point-If the club you are holding up above your head falls forward at any time. If your heels raise up off the ground, your feet rotate out as you squat, you cannot bend your hips past your knees, you lose your spine angle or you lose your balance.

2-points-If you can maintain the club above your head as you squat down and stand back up again. If your heels stay on the ground, but your knees do not stay over your feet or you cannot squat down so that your hips are lower than your knees.

3-points-If you can maintain the club above your head as you squat down and stand back up again. If you can keep your heels down while you squat down so that your hips are lower than your knees and you are able keep your knees aligned over your feet.

If you scored less than 2 points, consider improving your upper and lower body strength and stability.

Visit to download the FREE Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warm Up Routine E-Book.

Do the Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warm Up Routine.

Practice something about your game everyday. #CardioGolfChallenge

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Clothes provided by Nike Golf-#NikeGolfClub 

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