Off to the Driving Range Before Your Round of Golf? Think Again…What to do Instead.

KarenGolf FitnessLeave a Comment

Hitting balls before your round of golf could be making you worse. Re-think the way you warm up. 

Many golfers think that warming up, for a round of golf, is a few casual stretches then bombing a few drives on the driving range, but this type of warm-up routine could actually be making golfers worse not better.

The purpose of a proper warm up is to increase muscle temperature, which increases blood flow to bring needed oxygen to activate muscles and joints, so that you can take your muscles and joints through full range of motion.

If you attempt to swing a club before a proper warm- up, when your muscles are cold and tight, your body is not ready to hit full shots. Your swing will be incomplete and less than full range, resulting in mis-hits, swing faults and frustration before your round of golf.

If you have ever participated in a sport or some form of exercise class, most likely you performed a 5 to 10-minute warm-up routine before competition or at the beginning of class, right? So why wouldn’t you warm up before a round of golf or a practice session?

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