Eat Well for Winter Warmth (and for Golf)

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

And don’t forget the value of warm-up exercise!

Two major components of a healthy lifestyle are physical activity and nutrition, and specifically the physical activity needs to involve stretching and resistance  or strength training and the nutrition needs to combine to the correct amount of protein and carbohydrates.

I talk a lot about how to improve strength and flexibility for golf, but now I am adding the nutritional element to my golf-fitness training program to offer a complete package for golfers to get fit.

Nutrition and Golf

What you eat before and during your round of golf will enhance or hinder your performance. The term “the wheels are falling off” usually comes mid-round when you start to lose focus and your muscles start to fatigue. One way to alleviate this syndrome, so that you don’t destroy an otherwise good round is to pay attention to what you eat and drink throughout your round.

The key to maintaining your energy level during a round of golf is controlling blood sugar. That means avoiding foods made with refined carbohydrates (things made with white flour and/or sugars) and eating the correct amount of protein.

Examples of Good High Energy Foods to Eat Before, During and After a Round: Yogurt with fruit, eggs with whole grain breads, chili, peanut butter sandwiches, grilled chicken, fish, whole wheat bagel with banana, low fat energy bars, tuna sandwich, salad with low fat dressing, low sugar energy drinks, water.

Note: I use a natural meal replacement product called Qivana that provides the optimal amount protein and carbohydrates to maintain my weight. It is easy to use and great tasting.

Examples of Energy Zapping Foods to Avoid Before, During and After a Round: Pancakes or waffles with syrup, Danish, donuts, white toast, hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, fried foods, candy, nachos, baked potatoes, pretzels, hot dogs, soda, high fructose energy drinks, alcohol.

Is your diet holding you back from playing your best golf?  Learn more about how to feed your muscles for better heath and golf.

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