Fixing Your Posture Fixes Your Swing

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

There’s no question that fitness is a huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to playing good golf.

Being able to make a powerful, effective golf swing will require some cooperation from your body, and it’s imperative that you’re capable of making the necessary movements, especially if you’re trying to incorporate swing changes.

Many golfers, however, have no idea that their fitness level might be adversely affecting their ability to swing the club and how it can lead to significant swing flaws.

Along those lines, we want to help you out, so we enlisted the help of SwingFix instructors and fitness gurus Jim Williams and Karen Palacios-Jansen to show you how some of the common swing flaws that we see in so many videos that are submitted can actually be fitness-related.  Check out the video

Why you come over the top and how to stop

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