Flexibility for Golf

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

Flexibility is defined as one’s maximum range of motion available for a specific joint and muscle. Your range of motion can be limited by many factors such as age, reflex control, joint and muscle constraints and inuries.  Some of these factors are within your control, some are outside your control.  Your goal is to reach your maximum range of motion for your body and capabilities.

When you start a golf fitness program, you condition your muscles. When you condition your muscles, including strengthening and especially stretching, you elongate your muscles and long lean muscles work best for golf.  When you elongate your muscles, you are able to make longer movements, so your swing arc gets longer and you can create more clubhead speed and power.  With long muscles you increase your range of motion, so you can turn and swing easier with less effort and more power.   Also long muscles help you smooth out your golf swing and prevent those short choppy motion which is usually caused by compensations because of weak and tight muscles.

Also, the longer your muscles, the more efficient your swing becomes and the lower your chances of injury are.   So where do you start?  How do you get these long, lean golf muscles? Check out my blog all this month for flexibility tips and advice…

Long lean muscles work best for golf

Want to test your flexibility?  Send me a note and I will let you know how…email me at KPJ@swingbladegolf.com.


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