How a Simple Balance Exercise Can Increase Your Clubhead Speed.

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

Balance is important in the golf swing so that you can maintain your body angles throughout each phase of the swing. Doing balance exercises can improve your balance capabilities within your golf swing especially at higher speeds.  If you have poor balance, you have to slow your swing speed down so you won’t lose your footing during your swing.

Practicing balancing on one leg can improve your nervous system’s ability to control your balance.  Balancing on one leg in different planes of motion can further improve your balance and simulates the motions used in the golf swing.

One-Leg Balance Exercise in Different Planes of Motion

  1. Stand in a shoulder width stance holding a club as shown.
  2. Lift one foot off the ground pointing your lifted foot forward. Hold for 8 to 10 seconds. Return to start position.
  3. Lift the same foot out and point your toes to the side and hold for 8 to 10 seconds. Return to start position.
  4. Lift the same foot and point toes behind you .  Hold for 8 to 10 seconds. Return to start position.
  5. Repeat process on opposite leg.
  6. To make exercise more challenging, keep your foot lifted as you move through the different planes of motion.  Try the exercise with your eyes closed as well.



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