Jump Start Your Golf Fitness Program

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

As summer approaches, most of us will be playing a lot more golf.  You may end up playing 4 or 5 rounds in a row.  To avoid fatigue and injury, you need to build your endurance.  To get ready for your golf marathon trips this summer, start doing this Cardiogolf routine for a couple of weeks to help build muscular endurance, balance and strength.

Cardiogolf – Swing Endurance Routine




Time: 18 minutes

Intensity: Moderate to Intense

Frequency: 2 to 3 times a week

Do each exercise for 1 minute.

Work up to repeating the routine up to 3 times.

5-minute warm up-jump rope, jog or step in place.

1. Alternate upward/downwards dog

2. Hip swings

3. Side hip swings

4. Cross crawl

5. Squats

6. Core rotators

7. Shoulder rotators

8. Med ball swings

9. Slow motion practice swings

10. Normal practice swings

11. Fast swings

Watch the video…



Cardiogolf App…Click here for more information….

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