Move Your Body for Better Golf

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

I saw this cartoon on Facebook today and it cracked me up.  Believe me, I’m not one of those people who jumps out of bed and starts exercising right out of the gate. It takes me a while to get moving, but when I do , I start to feel better and find it easier to take on the tasks of the day.  I also find it easier to play golf if I have done some exercise before the round. That is because exercise gets your circulation going-pumping oxygen and blood to your muscles and joints giving you energy and allowing you to move smoother with a bigger range of motion.  You will be able to turn better and rotate through your shot faster.

Take advantage of exercise to help you play better.

Copyright © 2012 KPJgolf, All rights reserved.

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Live Online Lessons

Work on your golf game and get some exercise at the same time. Check out my new Cardiogolf Live On-Line Classes.  All you need is a webcam to participate.  You can learn golf-specific exercises in the privacy of your own home.  The classes are interactive so you can ask questions and get feedback on your technique.  The classes are small and affordable.

Work on your golf swing and learn exercises to improve your strength and flexibility specific to golf. Cardiogolf Live

On-Line Classes this Week…


Golf Fitness Workout to Increase Distance and Consistency-Cardiogolf

Cardiogolf is a golf specific workout designed by LPGA Teacher of the Year Karen Palacios-Jansen. Participants learn exercises to promote better swing mechanics, flexibility, strength and balance throughout the golf swing. The routine is a combination of swing drills and golf specific exercises. It accommodates every golfer regardless of gender, age and skill level or fitness level. All you need is a 4 x 4 sq ft space to do the golf swing exercises. If you don’t have a short practice club or enough room to swing a club, you can use a soccer ball or tennis racquet to simulate the golf swing. We will be doing practice swings, but you can do all the exercises without a club as well. I will show you how. We will not actually be hitting balls, but exercises to improve your swing mechanics as well as flexibility and strength.

Click here to sign up and for more information.
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