Power Up Your Golf Game: Part 3

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

Step and Swing Drill

As I stated in Parts 1 and 2 of Power Up Your Game posts, there are many factors that determine how much power you generate, but one of the most important factors is how well you rotate your torso and hips in the golf swing. Another factor is how well you shift your weight on the downswing.  The lower body initiates the downswing so the club comes down on an inside path.  Where a lot of people go wrong is that they initiate the downswing with the upper body, never shifting their weight towards the target.  This sequence causes many swing errors including the dreaded ‘over the top’ move that makes the ball slice.

In order to create power on your downswing, you need to ‘get behind the ball’ at the top of your swing. This involves rotating your shoulders and hips away from the target, so the majority of your weight shifts to the back foot at the top of the swing.  Once you have wound your body up behind the ball, then you can shift your weight towards the target and fling your arms to hit the ball.  Where a lot of people go wrong is they never quite get behind the ball at top of swing, so then they can’t shift their weight on the downswing.

Here is a drill to help you learn how to sequence your downswing, will help you create more clubhead speed and power.

Step and Swing Drill

  1. Start in a normal stance with a short iron.
  2. Step you target foot next to your back foot.
  3. Swing the club to the top and stop.
  4. Step your target foot back to its original place.
  5. Then swing the club down on a normal path.

The idea is to step towards the target first, before you swing the club down.  This will give you the feeling of how the weight shift initiates the downswing.

This drill was taught to me by my mentor PGA Teaching Professional Jim McLean who learned it from the legendary PGA Tour Player and instructor Bob Toski.


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