Cardiogolf Daily Dose-Strength Along with Flexibility Help to Increase Your Clubhead Speed

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

Chest Pull with Resistance Band

Strength training exercises, important for increasing muscle strength and bone mass, require the addition of weight or resistance to challenge the muscles. But some people think that free weights and machines leave them tight in the shoulders and chest, so it is recommend by many golf-specific trainers to use resistance bands instead.

Available at sporting good stores, resistance bands stretch your joints and tendons while strengthening your muscles.  Strength along with flexibility is the combination you are looking for to increase clubhead speed for greater distance.

If you are just starting to exercise, begin with a low resistance band and increase the resistance as you gain strength.

Bow and Arrow Chest Pull

  1. Loop an end of the resistance band around the palm of each hand.
  2. Extend arms in up above your head.
  3. Pull band towards you with one arm as if you were pulling a bow with an arrow.
  4. Hold position for a moment and slowly return to start position.
  5. Repeat on opposite arm.
  6. Alternate motion on each arm for 8 to 10 repetitions.

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