What is the Best Way to Start a Fitness Program for Golf

KarenBasic Golf-Fitness ScreenLeave a Comment

CGC Newsletter #3-

This Post Will Show You the Best Way to Start a Fitness Program for Golf!

CardioGolf® Online Studio will give you tools to help your clients start a fitness program for golf.

Many of you may be eager to help your clients start a golf-fitness program, but are unsure of how or where to start. Firstly, the key to developing a golf-fitness program for your clients, to fit their particular needs, is to find out what golf-related restrictions, if any, your client has.

Secondly, performing a golf-fitness screen can help you give you a starting point and determine what exercises your clients should be performing to maximize their time and effort.

Thirdly, consider building a golf-performance program to guide your client. You can use the Weekly Workout Plan to share that with your clients.

CardioGolf® Online Studio has a weekly workout plan that you can easily share with your clients so they get the correct amount of work in for the week.

The Best Way to Help Your Clients Start a Fitness Program for Golf is to Screen!

You can use the CardioGolf® Basic Golf-Fitness Screen included in your video subscription to screen your clients and give them a baseline.

The Basic Golf-Fitness Screen can be done in under 10 minutes.

Email info@cardiogolf.com to get a golf-fitness screen scorecard.  Keep the results in your file to compare to future results. Then after your clients has completed 6 weeks or more of CardioGolf® workouts, retest and compare results to see their successess.

Basic-Golf Fitness Screen Guidelines:
  • Do not do a warm-up before any of the golf-fitness tests.
  • Movements should never go to the point of pain or discomfort. Stop immediately if there is pain.
  • The trainer should watch the movements in different angles and planes of motion for the most effective evaluation.
  • Consult personal physician before doing a golf-fitness screen or any other exercise.
Single Leg Balance Test

Your ability to stay balanced throughout your golf swing is important to create power. If you are unable to stay balanced, it is likely you will be limited in the amount of force you can apply to the golf ball while maintaining good fundamentals.

Testing your balance will help you and your golf teacher or trainer determine what swing mechanics and power exercises to be performing.

How to Perform Test-

  • Golfer should stand facing forward with their arms extended out by their sides.
  • Then golfer should raise one knee off of the ground so that the foot is 6 to 8 inches off the ground.
  • Hold this position for as long as one can.
  • Repeat this same exercise with the eyes closed.
  • It is not necessary to test balance on both legs.

Scoring Your Results-

  • 1-point-If golfer can stand on one leg with their eyes open for at 30 seconds or less.
  • 2-points-If the golfer can stand on one leg with the eyes closed for at least 30 seconds.
  •  3-points-If the golfer can stand on one leg with their eyes opened and closed for at least 30 seconds.
  • If a golfer scored less than 2 points, they will want to improve their balance.

Karen Palacios-Jansen is a LPGA  Master Professional and NASM Certified Personal Trainer specializing in Golf Fitness. She served as the National Vice President of the LPGA Teaching And Club Professionals Membership and has been voted as one of America’s  “Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professionals” by Golf Digest Magazine and  “Top 50 Instructor” by LPGA.  In 2008, Karen received the prestigious LPGA National Teacher of the Year award




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