Week 9/Day 4 Cardiogolf Game Improvement Program

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

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KPJ’s Game Improvement Program

Monday-Pre-Round Warm up

Tuesday-Arm Workout

Wednesday-Body Motion

Today-Thursday-Golf Specific Stretches

Friday-Golf Specific Core Work

Golf Specific Stretches

For most of us, spring is just around the corner.  Take some time, before the season begins, to examine one of the key areas of your golf swing to make sure that your fundamentals are correct to not only prevent injury, but to get back to your desired level of golf more quickly.

One of the most basic fundamentals that is overlooked is posture.  Specifically, how we set up to the ball.  Ideally, as you address the ball, your back should be relatively straight and your shoulders pulled back and relaxed, not hunched over and tight. One of the most common swing faults is “slumped” shoulders at address position.  When your shoulders are rounded or slumped, you will not able to rotate and turn properly.

Take a look at your address position and examine your upper back.  Are your shoulders pulled back or are they hunched over?  If they are hunched over, you should take care to do a few exercises to correct your muscle imbalances.

On-Course Exercise-Get into the habit of warming up and doing at least two golf-specific stretches before you play or practice. Once you have completed a general warm-up then you are ready to move into the golf specific phase of the warm-up.  This is also known as movement rehearsal.  We are literally rehearsing the moves will be doing in the golf swing. Research says those who warmed up specifically for the movement they are going to be performing for the day did better than those who did not just did general stretches.

Off-Course Exercise-Here is a very easy exercise that can be done on a daily basis to help correct “slumped” shoulders.

Chest and Upper Back Extension Exercise

Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, arms hanging by your sides.

Step 2: Clasp your hands behind your back.

Step 3: Inhale and press your shoulder blades together. You should feel a stretch in your chest and upper back.

Step 4: Hold stretch for 10 to 15 seconds, release and repeat exercise.

You can do this exercise several times a day

You can do this exercise several times a day

You can do this exercise several times throughout the day to stretch and strengthen your muscles and help you correct “slumped” shoulders so that you can turn more freely in your golf swing.

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Email me your questions and comments-kpj@swingbladegolf.com

2010 Boston Golf Expo

Come see Karen at this year’s Boston Golf Expo March 5-7.  Karen, once again, will take to the seminar stage to dish out tips and advice including:

  1. Shape Up Your Body: Improve Your Golf Game-Golf Specific Exercises
  2. How to Practice to Groove a Consistent Golf Swing
  3. Increase Flexibility: Increase Distance-Golf Specific Stretches
  4. Cure Your Slice
  5. The New Golf Swing for Women

For more information and directions visit-paragonexpo.com

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