Golf Psychology

KarenGolf Fitness, News

Mental Golf Workshop

The most valuable tool a golfer can bring to the course is a strong mental game. Karen Palacios-Jansen has aligned herself with The Mental Golf Workshop, a unique ONLINE profiling system dedicating to helping golfers and instructors improve the mental aspect of playing golf.

Your report provides an accurate picture of your golfing personality and customized strategies for these areas of your game?

  • Golf Temperament
  • Pre-Round Preparation
  • Playing Shots
  • Course Management
  • Working With Instructors
  • Golf Fitness Tendencies

Eight Psychological Traits of Champion Golfers

1. Good Focus- Good mental routine for each shot. Opens focus between shots. Not distracted.

2. Abstract Thinking- Thoughts on course management and relevant variables only. Doesn’t over-think or over-analyze.

3. Emotionally Stable- Little reaction to poor shots and bad breaks or to good shots and good breaks.

4. Dominant- Moderately aggressive. Takes smart risks. Challenges course.

5. Tough-Minded – Self-reliant. Indifferent to others. Overcomes adversity. Unaffected by conditions.

6. Confident- Secure, self satisfied and guilt free. See self as winner.

7. Self-Sufficient- Very decisive and prefers own decisions. Resists peer pressure.

8. Optimum Arousal- Aware of and controls level of tension to enhance performance. On 1-10 scale: 4 for putting, 6 for driving.

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