Cardiogolf 1K Practice Swing Challenge Day 16

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

The challenge is straightforward-simply make 1000 practice swings during the month to improve your swing technique and increase clubhead speed. You don’t need to go to the driving range or golf course, you can simply make practice swings in your garage or living room at home a few minutes a day (just make sure that you don’t whack the ceiling or walls!)

To learn more about the Cardiogolf 1000 Practice Swing Challenge click here…

If you don’t have enough room to swing a regular club, use a soccer ball or tennis racquet to simulate a golf club.
Day 16
Don’t Sway, Tilt or Roll 

If you sway your hips, tilt your upper body or your roll on the outside on your back ankle as you take the club back, you won’t be able to rotate your hips and support your weight shift.  This will restrict your turn and power on the downswing.  Watch the video to see a quick tip on how to improve your backswing.

Break it Down-make 30 practice swings a day for 30 days and you will have made 900 swings over the course of a month.  Okay, so it is not exactly a 1000 swings, but close enough (if you really want to get technical, you’ll have to take 33.3333 swing per day to reach 1000 practice swings).  The amount is not the point, the point is to be consistent with your practice; take a few minutes out of your day to work on your golf swing and get some exercise.

Take the challenge with me.  Email me at or post a note  on my Facebook page letting me know that you are up for the challenge.

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