Day 1- 10 More Yards in 30 Days

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

Everybody wants to hit the ball farther off the tee including me. I have a bunch of events and golf tournaments this summer, so I am on a quest to hit the ball longer to score better and have more fun.

Join me as I try to increase my driving distance by 10 yards in 30 days.  By increasing your clubhead speed by just 4 mph faster will give you 12 yards extra distance on average.

Day 1-

Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warmup Routine

To increase your clubhead speed, you will need to be able to take all your joints and muscles through their complete range of motion.  You must warm up muscles and joints before you play and practice to swing freely and to prevent injury. This is the Cardiogolf Pre-round warmup routine. For many of us, we used to be able to hop out of the car, go straight to the first tee and rip a drive down the middle of the fairway.  Now by skipping a warmup before a round of golf may mean it takes us 4 or 5 holes before you loosen up and gain your form and by that time your score may already be ruined. Here is a quick and easy pre-round warmup routine to help you avoid those big numbers on the scorecard.

The Point of a warmup is to elevate your heart rate to get blood flowing to warm muscles so they are loose and supple, so it is easier to swing. You can do this warmup at your house before your round of golf, if you don’t have a long drive to the golf course or on the driving range and don’t be embarrassed to do the routine, it couldn’t more humiliating than topping your drive off the first tee. There are many ways to warmup like jogging, doing jumping jacks or even taking practice swings.  I have chosen exercises that target golf-specific muscles.

Use a club for balance.

1. Hip Swings-We are going to start by warming up the hips muscles. Simply swing your knee back and forth for 10 to 15 seconds per leg. This movement will help want loosen up your muscles and joints and elevate your heart rate. These muscles are typically tight especially if you sit all day.

2. Inner and Outer Thighs-Next, let’s warm up the inner and outer thigh Swing your leg side to side in a controlled motion. These muscles are important to activate to because they enable you to shift weight in the golf swing. Again, do it for 10 to 15 seconds per leg. These exercises will also help you practice balance.

3. Squats-Next, simply squat up and down like this.  This is an excellent overall exercise to build strength, but it will also get our heart rate up to warm up muscles to make them more elastic so they will move easier.

4. Cross-Crawl-From here, hold club like this and raise your knee to the opposite elbow.  The simple motion of crossing your elbow to your knee, activates both sides of brain to prepare your mind for the day. You should feel your heart rate getting faster.  Now, let’s move on to some golf specific motions.

5. Core Warm up-Put the club behind your back like this and practice shifting your weight back and forth. Practice the motion that you are going to be doing for the day. Shift your weight to back and then forward.  This exercise will also active core muscles that are so important in the golf swing.

6. Shoulder Warm up-Now put club behind shoulders and practice making a good shoulder turn. Try to get your shoulder under your chin and then practice finishing in balance. Now take a few smooth practice swings.

At this point, you should feel warmed up and even winded, younger athletes may even break a sweat.  Your muscles are loose, your joints are lubricated and now you can hit a few practice shots without feeling tight or head to first tee knowing you can swing freely for a good tee shot.

Want to get this routine on your phone, so you can do the routine anywhere?  Get the new Cardiogolf App…


Cardiogolf App available on iTunes…click here…

Find out your golf personality

Cardiogolf Mini-Core Workout


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