Day 22-10 More Yards in 30 Days

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

Working on developing explosive power through plyometrics and resistance training will help you gain more clubhead speed.

The goal of explosive power training is to increase movement rate while applying as much force to muscles as possible.

Injury Prevention

Plyometrics place considerable eccentric forces on joints, ligaments and tendons and are not appropriate for everyone. Be smart.  If you are just beginning to work out for golf, then skip these and work on low impact exercises.  Over the next few days,  I will be posting plyometric and resistance exercises for you to try.

The weakest part of most people’s bodies is their core, because it is not something that we use much during a normal day.  The core is the part we golfers need to be the most strongest to help us turn better, maintain posture and generate clubhead speed.  You have to seek out exercises that specifically work the core muscles.

When you activate and lengthen and strengthen core muscles, it helps you with the correct body rotation,  sequence your swing  and togenerate more clubhead speed.  Some of these exercises may not simulate the golf swing, but the motion will help you develop the muscles used in the golf swing.

Day 21- 

Curtsy Lunge

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, hands on your hips or clasp them in front of you. Take a big step back with your left leg, crossing it behind your right. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your right thigh is nearly parallel to the floor (shown). Keep your torso upright and your hips and shoulders as square as possible. Return to start. Perform 10 reps and repeat on opposite side.  Add a jump for more power.











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Live Online Lessons

Work on your golf game and get some exercise at the same time. Check out my new Cardiogolf Live On-Line Classes.  All you need is a webcam to participate.  You can learn golf-specific exercises in the privacy of your own home.  The classes are interactive so you can ask questions and get feedback on your technique.  The classes are small and affordable.

Work on your golf swing and learn exercises to improve your strength and flexibility specific to golf. Cardiogolf Live

On-Line Classes this Week…


Golf Fitness Workout to Increase Distance and Consistency-Cardiogolf

Cardiogolf is a golf specific workout designed by LPGA Teacher of the Year Karen Palacios-Jansen. Participants learn exercises to promote better swing mechanics, flexibility, strength and balance throughout the golf swing. The routine is a combination of swing drills and golf specific exercises. It accommodates every golfer regardless of gender, age and skill level or fitness level. All you need is a 4 x 4 sq ft space to do the golf swing exercises. If you don’t have a short practice club or enough room to swing a club, you can use a soccer ball or tennis racquet to simulate the golf swing. We will be doing practice swings, but you can do all the exercises without a club as well. I will show you how. We will not actually be hitting balls, but exercises to improve your swing mechanics as well as flexibility and strength.

Click here to sign up and for more information.
Email me at for more information.





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