Bunker Strength

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

Squat with Medicine Ball with Squat

To hit a solid sand shot, you need to splash a cushion of sand out of the bunker that carries the ball to the hole.  You need to generate a certain amount of clubhead speed to slide the club through the sand.

If you have low clubhead speed, then the sand will actually act as a barrier and stop the club from moving through the sand.  You may leave the ball in the sand.  Do that a few times, then you may try to take less sand; hit the ball thin and skull it across the green.  Don’t get frustrated, just get stronger.

Doing squats with a medicine ball can help you increase your lower body, core and forearm strength so that you can maintain your knees flexed throughout the shot and, so you can power the wedge through the sand.

Squat with Medicine Ball

  1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. Hold a medicine ball or hand weight with both hands and let your arms hang so the ball is hip height.
  3. Squat down keeping the ball between your knees.  Maintain a stable spine and only squat down has far as you can without lifting your heels.
  4. Return to the start position and repeat the motion 8 to 10 repetitions.

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