Golf-Specific Warm Up

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

Cross-Crawl Exercise

Many people mistakenly think static stretching is a warm-up.  Fitness experts now agree that static stretching before exercise or sport is not just counter-productive, but potentially harmful.

Traditional stretches, like when people bend over to touch their toes or stretch their legs on a fence, often cause the muscles to tighten rather than relax — exactly the opposite of what is needed for physical activity. I cringe when I see golfers put a club behind their shoulders blades and start twisting back and forth. You may feel like you are doing something to stretch your body, but it has no real benefit. Fitness experts say it is like extending a rubber band to its limit. When people stretch to the maximum, they are more likely to pull a muscle.

Instead do an active warm up to increase your blood flow, which brings needed oxygen to muscles and joints, like jogging in place, jumping jacks or taking a brisk walk.

Try this cross-crawl exercise to increase blood flow,  increase rotation and loosen muscles.

Cross-Crawl Exercise

  1. Stand in your golf stance holding a golf club in both hands so that it is parallel to the ground.
  2. Lift one knee up to the opposite elbow as you rotate your torso. Return to start position.
  3. Lift the other knee up to the opposite elbow and return to start position.
  4. Continue to lift knees to opposite elbows for 20 to 30 seconds.

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