Golf Warm Up 101

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

Essentials to Better Play and Minimizing Risk of Injury

Pre-Round Warm Up Routine includes ball hitting, but you need to warm your muscles before you swing.

Pre-Round Warm Up Routine includes ball hitting, but you need to warm your muscles before you swing.

Studies show that 53% of amateur golfers and 30% of professional golfers have sustained an injury while playing golf and most of those injuries actually occurred while hitting balls on the golf course and practicing on the driving range.

Professional golfers have more overuse injuries due to hours of practice while weekend golfers are more likely to get injured from lack of conditioning and poor swing mechanics.  While you may not think that the golf course is a hazardous to your health, there is potential risk of suffering serious injuries to the wrists, elbows, lower back, hips and knees.

Warming up is the easiest and most effective way to prevent injuries that can happen during practice and play.

If you have ever participated in a sport or some form of exercise most likely you performed some type of regular warm up and cool down before and after competition.  So why wouldn’t you warm up before a round of golf or a practice session? Swinging a golf club up to 300 times a round including practice swings at speeds upwards of 90 miles per hour stress our muscles, tendons and joints to full capacity. Injury rates for recreational golfers are at an astounding rate of more than 50% – and even higher for golfers over age of 50. Recreational golfers have typically skipped warming up before play and practice because of the misconception that golf is not a strenuous activity or because of time constraints.  We are all so busy, so when we have time to play golf, we are all anxious to get out on the golf course and we end up skipping the warm up. But skipping the warm up may mean that it takes us four or five holes before we loosen up and gain our form and by that time, our score may already be ruined.  If you had only spent a few minutes warming up before the first tee, you could not only avoid those big numbers on your scorecard the first few holes, but also prevent injury.

Professional golfers now know that a proper warm up is essential for peak performance.  Most recreational golfers quite haven’t caught on with the trend, they typically go straight from their car to the first tee and wonder why they don’t hit a solid shot until the 5th or 6th hole. No matter what level of player you are, a proper warm up can help you play your best golf and prevent injuries.

Driving Range

On-Course Exercise

Commit to warming up before play or practice.  Stay tuned to my blog. I will give you several warm up routines to help you prepare for your round and help you prevent injury.

Off-Course Exercise

Complete the Pre-Swing Muscle and Joint Warm Up chapter from the Cardiogolf DVD.  To order your own copy of Cardiogolf visit cardiogolf .

Karen Palacios-Jansen is an LPGA Teaching Professional and Certified Personal Trainer.  She developed Cardiogolf, a golf-specific fitness system available at


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