Prime Your Foundation for More Distance

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

A well-structured golf fitness program is built on a system of progressions.  The progressions include flexibility, mobility, balance, strength and power. All muscles are included, but your core muscles (including abdominals, back and hips and glute muscles) form the foundation of your power.  Stretching and strengthening these muscles will help you generate more power and consistency.

The Kettle Swing exercise simulates the same movement pattern used in a golf swing: although the exercise doesn’t look like a golf swing.  This exercise includes loading your weight into your hips, then shifting the load and flinging your arms.  This is same motion used to generate power in your golf swing.

Kettle Bell Swing

1. Start in a shoulder width stance. Holding a kettle bell with both hand in front of your body.

2. Slowly squat down as you swing the kettle bell between your legs behind you. Maintain correct spinal alignment.

3. Using energy from your hips and core, swing the kettle bell up so that your arms stay parallel to the ground.  Maintain some connection between your arms and torso.

4.  Squat down once again, swing the kettle bell between your legs and then swing the bell up again.

5. Repeat the motion for 8 to 10 repetitions.

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