Warming up for Golf in the Summer Heat is Different than Warming up in Cold Weather

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

Vitalize Your Game with Cardiogolf

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A Note from Karen

Every week in my Optimize Your Game with Cardiogolf Blog, I post tips that include on and off-course exercises to improve swing technique and scoring.

It may seem counterintuitive to stretch and warm up before a round of golf when it is hot outside because you are already sweating, but it is just as important to perform your pre-round warm-up routine in hot weather as it is in cold.

Warming up your body in the summer heat is different than warming up your body in cold weather. Remember that when warming up in hot weather, your body temperature will rise more quickly when you initiate physical activity.

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* Stay hydrated-Drink 8 ounces of water 30 minutes prior to starting your warm-up routine. During your round, drink 3 to 6 ounces of water every 20 minutes or every 2 holes.  After your round, drink 8 ounces of water within 30 minutes of playing the last hole.

* Lower intensity levels-When warming up in the heat, you don’t have to work as hard to elevate your heart rate.

*Avoid playing and practicing during the hottest times of the day-Take advantange of the extra daylight. Early morning and evening hours allow for cooler temperatures to get in a round of golf.

*Keep your warm-up routine indoors-Perform your warm-up routine in the house before your leave for the day or do it in the locker room.  Air-conditioned environment provides total protection from the heat. If you must do your warm-up routine outside, do it in the shade.

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head shotKaren Jansen-3

LPGA Teaching Professional Karen Palacios-Jansen was voted 2008 LPGA National and Southeast Section Teacher of the Year. Voted by Golf Digest Magazine as one of America’s “Top 50 Female Instructors” for 11 straight years, Karen has her own golf events company-Swing Blade Enterprises, as well as being a certified personal trainer. Her golf-specific fitness system called Cardiogolf is available on DVD and online. Karen lives in North Carolina with her husband Dan Jansen. Over the years she has helped thousands of golfers improve their golf games. For more information-visit http://www.kpjgolf.com.

Disclaimer-This program is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. Any participant should not attempt any exercises mentioned herein, without reviewing and consenting with their doctor or health professional.  Karen Palacios-Jansen, Cardiogolf and KPJgolf.com are neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from these exercises or the use of the Cardiogolf program described herein.
Copyright © Cardiogolf 2013/KPJgolf.com 2013



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