30 Drills and Golf-Fitness Exercises to Do Before the End of Summer No. 18 Front Hip Swings

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

There is still plenty of summer and time left to play your best golf ever.  If  your game hasn’t improved as much as you wanted to this summer, try adding some golf-specific exercises into your daily routine to help you move better and more freely.

30 Drills and Golf-Fitness Exercises to Do Before the End of Summer

18. Front Hip Swings

Every part of your body is important in the golf swing, but the hips are a major factor in generating power in your golf swing. The hip joints and surrounding muscles need to rotate in the golf swing. Where many people go wrong is that they slide their hips or stand up as they swing, mostly because we spend the day sitting and our hips are generally tighter than other muscles and joints  causing these compensations.

Creating mobility in the hips will help you turn more efficiently and generate more power. Try this hip mobility exercise  can be done as a warm up before play or practice.  This may seem like simple exercise but it will help you increase the range of motion in your hips, challenge your balance and even help you strengthen the supporting leg. This exercise is a staple in my Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warm Up Routine.

Front Hip Swings

Stand tall with feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a golf club  for balance. Lift one leg so you knee is slightly bent and begin to swing your leg forward and up, then swing your leg backward.  Imagine you are hinging from your hip socket.

17. Check Your Grip Pressure

16. Reverse Pivot Drill

15. Thumbs Up Drill

14. Side Plank Drill 

13. Cardio Putting Drill

12. Deep Squat

11.  Cross Back Lunge

10. Tempo Drill

9. Driver Setup Drill

8. Posture Drill

7. Anti-Slice Drill

6. Uphill Lie Drill 

5.  “L” Drill

4. Reading the Break Drill

3. Feet Together Drill

2. Shoulder Butterfly Stretch

1. Modified PiYo Flip

Disclaimer-These exercises are not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. Any participant should not attempt any exercises mentioned herein, without reviewing and consenting with their doctor or health professional.  Karen Palacios-Jansen, Cardiogolf and KPJgolf.com are neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from these exercises or the use of the Cardiogolf program described herein.       



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