30 Drills and Golf-Fitness Exercises to Do Before the End of Summer No. 7 Anti-Slice Drill

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

There is still more than one month left of summer and plenty of time to play your best golf ever.  If  your game hasn’t improved as much as you wanted to this summer, try adding some golf-specific exercises into your daily routine to help you move better and more freely. Stay tuned for golf-fitness exercises and drills that you can do at home or in your office every day to help not only improve your swing technique but also help you build mobility, strength and endurance on and off the golf course.

30 Drills and Golf-Fitness Exercises to Do Before the End of Summer

1. Modified PiYo Flip

2. Shoulder Butterfly Stretch

3. Feet Together Drill

4. Reading the Break Drill

5.  “L” Drill

6. Uphill Lie Drill

7. Anti-Slice Drill

Click on video to see my take on the over the top move and a drill to correct your slice.

fitness-friday-over-the-top-drill-260                                                                             Click here to view video and tip…

There are many reasons that people come over the top (backswing starts too much inside, the golfer just lifts his arms to the top of swing, reverse pivot etc.), but whatever the reason the golfer starts the downswing by lunging at the ball with the upper body.  The back shoulder leads the way and the arms are thrown out away from the body causing a cutting across motion.

Ideally, the lower body should initiate the downswing as the arms are sucked closer to the body and slung towards the ball on the correct path.

Most people lack the ability to disassociate the lower body from the upper body.  They can’t move their body parts independently because of reduced spinal, hip, neck and shoulder mobility.  To create the ideal downswing, you must have a strong stable core so that your trunk can rotate as the arms are flung independently  towards the ball.  Where most people go wrong is that the trunk, shoulders and arms all work in one motion towards the ball causing a chopping motion instead of a swinging motion, all from lack of mobility in the joints.

Attached is a drill to help learn how to sequence the downswing and an exercise to help build stability and mobility in the core and to help learn how to move the arms independently from the body.

Click here to see Golf Digest tip.

Most golf professionals will tell you that common swing faults such as poor posture and lack of rotation or a reverse pivot are from physical limitations and until you address those limitations you may never improve. Are your physical limitations holding you back from playing your best golf?

Take the Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge to find the best exercises for you.

What Is Cardiogolf?


To learn golf-specific exercises try my Cardiogolf 30-Day Golf Fitness Challenge today. Cardiogolf promo Online Golf Fitness System now available to download on your smartphone or tablet.

Jump start your golf game and fitness level with this unique system from LPGA Teaching Professional and Golf Fitness Specialist Karen Palacios-Jansen. Karen has created a unique and customized online program which ensures that you can have fun and improve your golf game while fitting exercise into your busy schedule. The Cardiogolf Online Golf Fitness System can help you increase your flexibility, mobility, strength and balance specific to golf.

Email Karen at KP.J@swingbladegolf.com or visit KPJgolf.com for more information.


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