A Better Set-Up

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

31 Days to Improving Your Fitness for Better Golf in 2015

KPJ logo jpeg_painting Join me to Kickoff the New Year by Improving your Fitness for Better Golf.

Day 7-Mobility 

A common problem among high-handicappers and even elite golfers is a lack of mobility in the pelvis and hip area from hours of sitting and lack of activity.

To maximize your full potential in the golf swing, you must have the ability to take your joints and muscles through their full range of motion.  Performing exercises that focus on muscles that are chronically tight will help your become more efficient in your golf swing.

Golf Posture Standing Pelvic Tilt

Learning how to take your pelvis through its full range motion can help you find your neutral posture in your golf swing.  Lack of ability to take your pelvis through full extension and flexion can lead to swing compensations and even injury.



1. Stand in your golf posture and cross your arms across your chest.

2.  Tuck in your hips and tilt your pelvis under as far as you can.

3. Hold position for a moment and return to start position.

4. Repeat motion for 10 to 15 repetitions.

5.  This exercise can be down lying on the floor as well.

This exercise can be down before or after a round of golf.

To learn how to do these and other golf-specific exercises-Take the Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge.

This program will help jump start your fitness for the New Year.  You will receive a workout program to follow every day for 30 days.

Just download the PDF file or video on your computer, smart phone or tablet and you have an instant golf gym in the privacy of your own home.  

Start your Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge today to get a head start on your fitness for the New Year. Click here to sign up. 

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Take the 30-Day Challenge today

Disclaimer-This program is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. Any participant should not attempt any exercises mentioned herein, without reviewing and consenting with their doctor or health professional.  Karen Palacios-Jansen, Cardiogolf and KPJgolf.com are neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from these exercises or the use of the Cardiogolf program described herein.
Copyright © Cardiogolf 2015/KPJgolf.com 2015

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