Are you frustrated because you to take lessons to improve your swing and practice regularly without positive results?

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

Do you try to make a bigger shoulder turn, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get into the position your pro shows you? Have you been told that you have swing faults, but just can’t seem to correct them on your own? Your swing faults may be from physical limitations. Your body, because of lack of flexibility, mobility and or strength, is holding you back from correcting your swing faults and playing your best golf.  Most golf professionals will tell you that common swing faults such as poor posture and lack of rotation are from physical limitations and until you address those limitations you may never improve.

Golfers can be at risk to develop rounded shoulders because of how we bend forward constantly to hit our golf shots.  As we age, we can get rounded shoulders from lack of flexibility, and years of poor posture.  Anyone that drives a lot and sits at a desk or in front of a computer for most of day also can develop poor posture that leads to muscle imbalances and muscles strains.

Ideally, a golfer should strive to attain a neutral alignment of the spine where the neck, mid back and lower back align properly without excessive arching or curvature. A poor set-up forces you to make compensations in your swing, so it is important to find the correct set-up for your swing and learn to repeat it.

The best way to counteract the hours of poor posture and bending forward is to do back bend exercises.  Back bend exercises can open up the upper chest and the muscles of the front body, relieve stretched back muscles, and help to oxygenate and flush wastes from the muscles.

Cardiogolf-Off-Course Exercise to Prevent Rounded Shoulders

Cobra Pose for Golf

Cobra Cardiogolf jpeg

Prone Cobra stretch can help you increase the static strength of the postural muscles of the upper back, and correct muscles imbalances.

You can modify this exercise by balancing on your elbows and forearms instead of your hands.

To learn how to do these and other golf-specific exercises take my Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge-

“Discover a unique and simple program to improve your swing, shape up your body and trim your handicap”

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LPGA Teaching Professional Karen Palacios-Jansen was voted 2008 LPGA National and Southeast Section Teacher of the Year. Voted by Golf Digest Magazine as one of America’s “Top 50 Female Instructors” for 11 straight years, Karen has her own golf events company-Swing Blade Enterprises, as well as being a certified personal trainer. Her golf-specific fitness system called Cardiogolf is available on DVD and online. Karen lives in North Carolina with her husband Dan Jansen. Over the years she has helped thousands of golfers improve their golf games. For more information-visit

Disclaimer-This program is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. Any participant should not attempt any exercises mentioned herein, without reviewing and consenting with their doctor or health professional.  Karen Palacios-Jansen, Cardiogolf and are neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from these exercises or the use of the Cardiogolf program described herein.
Copyright © Cardiogolf 2014/ 2014


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