Cardiogolf Daily Stretch

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

Take time during your day to stretch and move, not only to keep your body mobile, but also to maintain or even improve your golf swing.

A common mistake that many golfers make at impact is to stand up through the shot. This makes it difficult to transfer your weight onto your target leg and you’ll end up hanging back and flipping your hands through impact. This decreases the power and increases stress on the lower back.

Many times this common fault is caused by a lack of flexibility and mobility in the upper spine.  Try this stretch a few minutes every day to keep your upper spine, shoulders and neck flexible.

If you have to sit a lot during the day, this stretch will also help refresh and energize you by getting the blood flowing through muscles and joints.

Thoracic Spine Mobilization Exercise

Stand in your golf stance.

Place your right hand behind your head.

Rotate your upper torso, so that your elbow points to the sky as shown.

Hold for 8 to 10 seconds and return to start position.

Repeat on opposite side.

Impact Stretch

To be able to make solid contact at impact, you need to be flexible in your upper spine and shoulders.

Disclaimer:  This post is for information purposes only.  You should always consult you chosen health-care provider or a trained professional before beginning a new exercise program.  

To learn golf-specific exercises try my Cardiogolf 30-Day Golf Fitness Challenge today.

Cardiogolf promo

Jump start your golf game and fitness level with this unique system from LPGA Teaching Professional and Golf Fitness Specialist Karen Palacios-Jansen.

Karen has created a unique and customized online program which ensures that you can have fun and improve your golf game while fitting exercise into your busy schedule.

The Cardiogolf Online Golf Fitness System can help you increase your flexibility, mobility, strength and balance specific to golf. Email Karen at or visit for more information.

Karen Palacios-Jansen is an LPGA Teaching Professional and Certified Personal Trainer.  She developed Cardiogolf, a golf-specific fitness system available at





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