A Golf Program for Beginners

Karen CardioGolf™ Online Studio SubscriptionLeave a Comment

A golf program for beginners.

The “CardioGolf® 30 Day Challenge to a Fluid Golf Swing” is a golf program for beginners.

Golf can be very frustrating for a beginner.  The sport is challenging for golfers of all levels. but especially for beginners.  That is because beginner golfers haven’t had much experience playing and they haven’t practiced for very long, so they need a golf program for beginners.

Practice is the key to improving rapidly and the key to making the game much more fun.  The CardioGolf® 30 Day Challenge to a Fluid Swing can help you learn the swing. It is the perfect golf program for beginners.

Why is practice hard for beginner golfers-

Firstly, beginner golfers don’t know what to practice.  They have no idea where to begin and what skills they should address first.  They need a golf program for beginners. 

Secondly, they don’t know how to practice.  Most beginners don’t know how to organize a practice session.  They usually hit random shots with the same club here and there with little to no success.

Thirdly, they think the practice sessions should take hours, so they don’t even want to commit the time and energy to getting better because they think practice is too long.

How CardioGolf® Works-

In CardioGolf® you will be doing practice swings and swing drills on a daily basis with emphasis on swing fundamentals. 

Firstly, practice swings can help reinforce sound golf swing fundamentals and mechanics.

Secondly, making practice swings can get you into positions that you may not otherwise be able to get into when you swing at a ball full speed.

According to studies, the body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it. There is something called the ‘Principle of Specificity’ (reference NASM). The principle states that the body will adapt to the specific demands that are placed on it or the body will get better at what is is repeatedly asked to do.

Thirdly, making practice swings instead of hitting balls is a better way to improve your swing technique. If you are trying to learn the swing or make a swing change, rehearsing the move without hitting a ball will assure that you are actually doing the correct move.

When you hit shots, your body will move to hit the ball in the direction of your target regardless of technique, making swing compensation as you go.  That is why some people get worse when they practice often. They ingrain bad moves into their swing. But when you do the exercises in CardioGolf® you will be doing the correct moves.

The CardioGolf® 30 Day Challenge to a Fluid Golf Swing is the perfect golf program for beginners.

How the Program Works-

The CardioGolf® 30 Day Challenge to a Fluid Golf Swing is straightforward-simply follow along for 30 days to improve your swing technique and increase clubhead speed. This program will show you a method of learning a fluid golf swing that doesn’t require going to a golf course or driving range or even hit a ball. The methodology in this program is meant to help you build a solid golf swing in just minutes a day so that when you do go play or practice the movements will feel natural and comfortable.

Why CardioGolf® is Different-

In CardioGolf® we repeat the correct motion that you want to achieve to help you ingrain the move into your real swing.

Since you are not hitting shots in CardioGolf®, there is no judgment of where the ball is going, so you can imagine only good shots. This why the CardioGolf® 30 Day Challenge to a Fluid Golf Swing is the perfect golf program for beginners.

CardioGolf™ 30 Days to a Fluid Golf Swing!

Do the CardioGolf® 30 Day Challenge to a Fluid Golf Swing!


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