Day 6-10 More Yards in 30 Days

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

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Everybody wants to hit the ball farther off the tee including me, so I am on a quest to hit the ball longer to score better and have more fun.

Join me as I try to increase my driving distance by 10 yards in 30 days.  By increasing your clubhead speed by just 4 mph faster will give you 12 yards extra distance on average.

Day 6-

Stretch to Create a Good Shoulder Turn for More Distance

To create a good turn on your backswing, you need to be strong and flexible.  If your shoulders are weak or tight, you may end up just lifting or swinging your arms.  You won’t be able to create power on your downswing with just and arm swing.  Do these stretches everyday to help you to help increase your flexibility.

Standing W’s and Y’s

1. Set up with feet shoulder width apart. Bend from waist, keeping your back flat.

2. Bend arms so that your elbows are by your side and hands pointing to the sky, so that your arms look like they form the letter “W”.

3. Raise your arms over your head so they form the letter “Y”.

4. Return to the starting position and repeat raising and lowering your arms up and down for 10 to 15 seconds. Be sure to initiate the movement with your shoulder blades, not just your arms.

5. You can also hold a golf club as you do the exercise.


"Y's" “Y’s”

Want to test your flexibility?  Send me a note and I will let you know how…email me at

Want to get to get my golf tips on your phone?  Get the new Cardiogolf App…

Cardiogolf App available on iTunes…click here…

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Cardiogolf DVDs produced and made in America.

large number of studies in the past few years showed that after age 40, people typically lose 8 percent or more of their muscle mass each decade, a process that accelerates significantly after age 70. Less muscle mass generally means less strength, mobility and among the elderly, independence. It also has been linked with premature mortality and some bad golf scores.

With all the information we have about the benefits of exercise, you would think that everybody would be doing it.  But sadly, less than 1% of the population participates in a regular fitness program. Please try to do something everyday to move your body to get the great benefits of fitness.  Why not work on your golf game at the same time?  Try Cardiogolf…

Shape up Your Swing, Trim Your Body


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