CardioGolf™ Pre-Season Training for Golf-Ease Into it!

KarenCardioGolf Video Subscription, Golf Fitness, Misc

The key to long-term success is to take your initial fitness level into consideration and be realistic about the time you will have to put into a program. If you haven’t worked out in years, you need to ease into and be consistent with your program to gain benefits.

Whether you are striving to be competitive in your club championship, or simply trying to shave off a few strokes, participating in a well designed strength and conditioning program can significantly improve your performance.

Try the new Pre-Season program to help you start off your season right.

Maximize Your Golf Performance

To maximize your golf performance, the golf athlete needs to do a variety of different exercises and workouts to build and fitness.  There are seven physical performance factors that are crucial to every golf-conditioning program: posture, balance, mobility, stability, power, coordination, and endurance.

The ideal way to train for golf is using a technique called Periodization. Periodization is the process of varying a training program at regular time intervals to bring about optimal gains in physical performance.  Periodization is a fancy word for seasonal training. In other words, you need to mix it up and do a variety of exercises during the year.

Your workouts should fit the season you are in.  Even if you play golf all year round, you still need to vary your workouts so not to plateau. In order to build strength, you need to constantly push yourself by increasing intensity and resistance.  But you also need to allow your body periods of rest to recover, so you don’t always want to be doing intense workouts.

Now available the CardioGolf™ Pre-Season Challenge

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CardioGolf™ Pre-Season Challenge-

Take Yourself through the Basic Golf-Fitness Screen

CardioGolf™ 30 Days to a Fluid Golf Swing!

Week 1-

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

36-minute Total Body Strength Workout with Weights

Tuesday and Thursday

12-minute Rotate and Balance Workout

Week 2-

Monday, Tuesday and Friday

27:23-minute 18-Hole Mobility Workout

Tuesday and Thursday

12:25-minute Timing, Tempo and Clubhead Speed Routine

Week 3-

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

12-minute Explosive Power Workout for Golfers

Tuesday and Thursday

20-minute Groove Your Swing- For a Smooth Balanced Swing

Swing Tune Up Tips-

9:01-minute Solid Contact with Your Irons Routine

11:26 minute-Straighten and Lengthen Your Drives

9:26-minute-Technique to Land Short Shots Closer to the Pin

3-minute Putting Grip Tip

2-min Lag Putting Drill

2-minute Sand Basics

Golfers Guide-

 We have items for different budgets to help you find the best training aids.

The CardioGolf™ TV App available for Apple and Android


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