Get a Grip: Strengthen Your Hands for Better Golf

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

Studies show that 53% of amateur golfers and 30% of professional golfers have sustained an injury while playing golf and most of those injuries actually occurred while hitting balls on the golf course and practicing on the driving range.

Professional golfers have more overuse injuries due to hours of practice while weekend golfers are more likely to get injured from lack of conditioning and poor swing mechanics.  While you may not think that the golf course is a hazardous to your health, there is potential risk of suffering serious injuries to the wrists, elbows, lower back, hips and knees.

Warming up is the easiest and most effective way to prevent injuries that can happen during practice and play.

Don’t forget about stretching and strengthening your wrists, forearms and hands.  The stronger you are the easier it will be to have light grip pressure and get feel around the greens.  Spend time working on your grip strength.

Downward Dog Pose

Downward Dog Pose can help strengthen weak hands and wrists. This yoga pose can be done almost anywhere at any time. Performing yoga exercises on a regular basis will help strengthen muscles to improve golf swing and prevent injury.

  1. Starting from a plank position, lift your hips up so that your body forms a triangle as shown.
  2. Push up with your toes and straighten your legs and arms. Press back with your hands, pushing your bottom towards the ceiling.
  3. Let your head hang loose.
  4. Shift your weight back towards your heels. Feel a stretch in your forearms and legs.
  5. Hold position for 8 to 10 seconds.
  6. Return to start position and repeat pose several times.


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