Play Your Best Golf on Vacation

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

31 Days to Improving Your Fitness for Better Golf in 2015

KPJ logo jpeg_painting Join me to Kickoff the New Year by Improving your Fitness for Better Golf.

Day 12-Resort Warm Up

Many of you will be lucky to escape this winter to your favorite warm weather resort to play a few rounds of golf.  Since it may be a few months since your last round of golf,  you may be a little rusty.

Take time to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for all the movements you will be doing during your round of golf.  Even if you only have 5 to 10 minutes, don’t skip the pre-game warm up.

Here is a quick and easy warm up routine to get your body ready play.

1. Walk to the driving range or first tee, to get the blood pumping and flowing to your muscles.

“Even if I only have 5 minutes, I walk around the driving range or hop on the treadmill (there is one in the locker room at my club), this simple act warms up my legs, back and upper body.  I even try to work up a sweat,” says Art Sellinger, two-time Long Drive Champion.

walk to warm up

2. Hit just five balls without rushing. Instead of indiscriminately firing off one shot after another, trying to finish off an entire bucket before you play, hit only a few balls with a mid-iron and take more time.

Do a golf-specific stretch in between each shot. Put the club behind your back and make a backswing swing and hold the position for a few moments. Try to increase your shoulder turn with each shot. This will help relax you and you won’t feel rushed as you get to the first tee.

Try to increase your shoulder turn with each swing.

3. Hit four putts to different distances.  Take four balls to the putting green before you tee off (there is usually a practice green next to the first tee) and putt balls to different targets to get feel.  Finish with a few two-foot putts to hear the ball go in the cup for confidence.

Three Pre-Round Habits to Improve Your Performance

To take the complete Cardiogolf Golf Fitness Basic Screen-take the 30-Day Golf Fitness Challenge

To learn how to do these and other golf-specific exercises take my Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge-

“Discover a unique and simple program to improve your swing, shape up your body and trim your handicap”

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Disclaimer-This program is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. Any participant should not attempt any exercises mentioned herein, without reviewing and consenting with their doctor or health professional.  Karen Palacios-Jansen, Cardiogolf and are neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from these exercises or the use of the Cardiogolf program described herein.

LPGA Teaching Professional Karen Palacios-Jansen was voted 2008 LPGA National and Southeast Section Teacher of the Year. Voted by Golf Digest Magazine as one of America’s “Top 50 Female Instructors” for 11 straight years, Karen has her own golf events company-Swing Blade Enterprises, as well as being a certified personal trainer. Her golf-specific fitness system called Cardiogolf is available on DVD and online. Karen lives in North Carolina with her husband Dan Jansen. Over the years she has helped thousands of golfers improve their golf games. For more information-visit

 Copyright © Cardiogolf 2015/ 2015

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