30 Drills and Golf-Fitness Exercises to Do Before the End of Summer No. 22 Post-Round Stretch

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

There is still plenty of summer and time left to play your best golf ever.  If  your game hasn’t improved as much as you wanted to this summer, try adding some golf-specific exercises into your daily routine to help you move better and more freely.

30 Drills and Golf-Fitness Exercises to Do Before the End of Summer

22. Post-Round Stretch

We all know the importance of a pre-round warm up routine to fully prepare the body for the strains of a round of golf, but do you know that stretching after a round of golf can help restore muscle imbalances that could lead to swing flaws and injuries?

Post-round stretching can help restore muscle imbalances and increase mobility and range of motion in your muscles. Stretching after a round of golf, not only feels good, but it is a perfect time to increase flexibility because your muscles are already warm and loose, which makes stretching easier.  You will want to focus on the muscles that are chronically tight.  These muscles may be different for everyone.

Neck Rotations

If you are restricted in neck rotation, you will have a hard time completing a full turn and you may take your eyes off the ball.


Sit upright on an exercise ball or chair, maintaining good posture. Rotate your head to the right as far as you can, hold position for 30 seconds, then go to the left and position for 30 seconds.

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This is just one of the Cardiogolf exercises you’ll find in my Cardiogolf 30-Day Golf Fitness Challenge.  Click here to sign up Today.

Are your physical limitations holding you back from playing your best golf?  Take the Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge to find the best exercises for you.

30 Drills and Golf-Fitness Exercises to Do Before the End of Summer

21. Med Ball Rotation for a Strong Impact

20. Determine Your Weaknesses

19. Side Hip Swings

18. Front Hip Swings

17. Check Your Grip Pressure

16. Reverse Pivot Drill

15. Thumbs Up Drill

14. Side Plank Drill 

13. Cardio Putting Drill

12. Deep Squat

11.  Cross Back Lunge

10. Tempo Drill

9. Driver Setup Drill

8. Posture Drill

7. Anti-Slice Drill

6. Uphill Lie Drill 

5.  “L” Drill

4. Reading the Break Drill

3. Feet Together Drill

2. Shoulder Butterfly Stretch

1. Modified PiYo Flip

Disclaimer-These exercises are not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. Any participant should not attempt any exercises mentioned herein, without reviewing and consenting with their doctor or health professional.  Karen Palacios-Jansen, Cardiogolf and KPJgolf.com are neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from these exercises or the use of the Cardiogolf program described herein.       

    Get my golf and fitness tips on your phone

Take the Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge to find the best exercises for you.

Take the Cardiogolf 30-Day Challenge to find the best exercises for you.

What Is Cardiogolf?

To learn golf-specific exercises try my Cardiogolf 30-Day Golf Fitness Challenge today. Cardiogolf promo

Online Golf Fitness System now available to download on your smartphone or tablet.

Jump start your golf game and fitness level with this unique system from LPGA Teaching Professional and Golf Fitness Specialist Karen Palacios-Jansen. Karen has created a unique and customized online program which ensures that you can have fun and improve your golf game while fitting exercise into your busy schedule. The Cardiogolf Online Golf Fitness System can help you increase your flexibility, mobility, strength and balance specific to golf.

Email Karen at KP.J@swingbladegolf.com or visit KPJgolf.com for more information.  
Copyright © Cardiogolf 2014/KPJgolf.com 2014

What Is Cardiogolf?

To find out more about golf fitness evaluations check out my Golf Fitness book available on Amazon.com


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