Cardiogolf 1000 Practice Swing Challenge

KarenGolf Fitness, News

Although still several weeks away, the holidays will be here sooner than you know it. It is easy to skip your workouts during the holidays, let alone get in some golf practice. But you can avoid those unwanted holiday pounds if you just spend a few minutes everyday working on your golf game and you’ll get some needed exercise at the same time.

Take the Challenge…
Cardiogolf/Orange Whip Practice 1000 Swing Challenge

 The challenge is straight-forward-simply make 1000 practice swings over the course of 30 days to improve your swing technique and increase clubhead speed.

You don’t need to go to the driving range or golf course, you can simply make practice swings with the Orange Whip Trainer in your garage or living room a few minutes a day (just make sure that you don’t whack the ceiling or walls!)

Break it Down…

Make 30 practice swings a day for 30 days and you will have made 900 swings over the course of a month.  Okay, so it is not exactly a 1000 swings, but close enough (if you really want to get technical, you’ll have to take 33.3333 swing per day to reach 1000 practice swings).

The amount is not the point, the point is to be consistent with your practice; take a few minutes out of your day to work on your golf swing and get some exercise.  Each session will tone muscles and rev up your heart rate to increase endurance and burn calories.

About the Orange Whip Trainer…

The Orange Whip is a unique training device developed by PGA Professional Jim Hackenberg. The patented design combines a counter-weighting system and flexible shaft that work together to promote the natural golf swing motion unique to each individual. This design provides the greatest feedback for tempo, balance, and swing plane training.

To order your own Orange Whip Trainer…

Visit and enter the promo code CARDIOGOLF to receive a $10 discount.

About the Cardiogolf/Orange Whip Practice Swing Challenge…

Making practice swings will not only tone your muscle and burn some calories, but the act of swinging over and over again can help you improve your swing technique and improve muscular endurance.

Our practice swings are usually smoother, longer and more on-plane with better tempo than our real swings.  As you make practice swings, you can focus on making certain motions to improve technique such as making a fuller shoulder turn, keeping your spine angle throughout the swing and shifting your weight correctly.

As you make practice swings, you can swing faster than you usually do to help you get used to swinging faster to improve clubhead speed. As you make practice swings, you can work on certain moves in your swing without worrying where the ball is going.

Think about a few things while you are making your practice swings…

  • Look down at where a ball would be and try to simulate hitting a ball as much as possible.
  • Work on your swing fundamentals.  Monitor your posture, alignment, ball position and grip to make sure they are correct.
  • Keep your head level throughout your swing.
  • Complete each practice swing by holding your finish for a moment, as if you were watching your ball fly down the fairway.
  • Imagine the perfect golf shot as you swing.
  • Finish in balance.
  • For this challenge, start each swing from the beginning, don’t swing back and forth continuously.
  • Make each swing as if you were hitting a real shot.

To order your own Orange Whip visit and enter the promo code CARDIOGOLF to receive a $10 discount.


Daily practice is the key to success towards any goal.  Making a few practice swing everyday will get you playing better than practicing for two or three hours once a week. First of all, it is always hard to find big chunks of time to beat balls on the driving range.  Secondly, the long practice sessions usually lead to fatigued swings and ingrained bad habits.

Start your challenge today!

To order your own Orange Whip visit and enter the promo code CARDIOGOLF to receive a $10 discount.



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