Cardiogolf/Orange Whip 1000 Practice Swing Challenge

KarenEnergize Your Game, Golf Fitness

The challenge is straightforward-simply make 1000 practice swings over the next 30 days to improve your swing technique and increase clubhead speed.

You don’t need to go to the driving range or golf course, you can simply make practice swings in your garage or living room at home with the Orange Whip Trainer, a few minutes a day (just make sure that you don’t whack the ceiling or walls!)

Break it Down-make 30 practice swings a day for 30 days and you will have made 900 swings over the course of a month.  Okay, so it is not exactly a 1000 swings, but close enough (if you really want to get technical, you’ll have to take 33.3333 swing per day to reach 1000 practice swings).  The amount is not the point, the point is to be consistent with your practice; take a few minutes out of your day to work on your golf swing and get some exercise.


Check Your Grip-

A lot of people overlook the importance of the grip in the golf swing.  Whether you have a conventional or non-conventional grip, the most important factor is that it allows you to square the clubface at impact.

To order your own Orange Whip Trainer…

Visit and enter the promo code CARDIOGOLF to receive a $10 discount.

Take the challenge with me.  Post a note  on my Facebook page letting me know that you are up for the challenge.  Feel free to post pictures of yourselves practicing.  I will post reminders and more tips this month to help you achieve your goal of 1000 practice swings this month.

About the Orange Whip Trainer…

The Orange Whip is a unique training device developed by PGA Professional Jim Hackenberg. The patented design combines a counter-weighting system and flexible shaft that work together to promote the natural golf swing motion unique to each individual. This design provides the greatest feedback for tempo, balance, and swing plane training.

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