Does Your Nutrition Help or Hurt Your Golf Game?

KarenGolf Fitness, Misc

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If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know that I focus on the importance of fitness to help you improve your golf performance. The combination of strength, flexibility, endurance and stability can help you swing the club more efficiently to create more power.

But did you know that what you eat before, during and even after your round of golf  can also affect your performance? It may not be the norm for golfers to follow special diets, but it will be soon. I’ve discovered products to help meet my nutritional needs on and golf the course, that I would like to share with you.

For two years, my husband Dan Jansen and I have been using Qivana. Qivana is a line of all natural nutritional products ranging from a weight loss system to an immunity and cardiovascular improvement system.

I normally don’t promote other products on my site, but Qivana has really helped me over the past few years, so I want to share my results with my readers.  Qivana’s metabolic correction system has helped me maintain my weight and sustain my energy level to spend long hours teaching golf and fitness. The immunity and detox products have helped alleviate my allergies to trees pollen.  I developed severe allergies to pollen when I moved to North Carolina 13 years ago.  For years, I would get severe sinus infections caused by the allergies that were debilitating and would require using antibiotics several times a year.  Since using a combination of the Qivana products, I have reduced my allergies and eliminated sinus infections.  I would not recommend Qivana products, if I did not fully believe they work.


I use Qivana’s system of protein shakes, bars  and essentials on and off the golf course to maintain a healthy weight and alleviate allergies.

 Click here to find out more about Qivana.

A shake before a round of golf is the perfect fuel to keep you full and satisfied so you can concentrate on your game. The bars are the perfect snack between nines to maintain your energy especially throughout those last few holes. And a shake after your round will replenish the nutrients you have lost after a 4 to 5 hour round of golf.

The best golf equipment in the world won’t make a difference in you don’t have the energy to get around the course.

It may not be the norm for golfers to follow special diets, but it will be soon, so you could be on the cutting edge of golf nutrition with Qivana’s system.

Find out why Olympians Dan Jansen, Bonnie Blair, Mike Eruzione, Nadia Comaneci and Bart Conner use Qivana.  Go to for more information.

METABOLIQ SystemMETABOLIQ®— A world class system that can correct and reset your metabolism.REDEFINING WEIGHT LOSS – METABOLIC CORRECTIONUnlike short-term products that can only mask symptoms, the benefits of correcting your metabolism are more dramatic and produce far superior body changes that are healthier and more sustainable for the long-term.“The METABOLIQ products are designed around my discovery of the role of amino acids play in signaling. Properly designed, these products signal muscles to repair their structure and strength, ultimately energizing their ability to burn calories and fat. My discoveries have led to a revolutionary change in obesity research and created entirely new strategies for weight loss. Qivana is the only company to fully integrate my discoveries into a comprehensive and sustainable weight management program.” – Dr. Donald K. Layman
  Award-Winning Metabolic ResearcherAdditional METABOLIQ support materials, including the METABOLIQ Lifestyle book by Dr. Layman are available for order/download in the Qivana Office.*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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