Energize Your Game-What to Eat Before Your Round of golf

KarenEnergize Your Game, Golf Fitness

Golf requires coordination, concentration, and a lot physical effort to play your best, so what you eat and when you eat it can be the difference between winning your club championship or member/guest and getting placed in the 4th flight. Your golf nutrition should supply you with a short-term boost, as well as with continued nutrients, to optimize and sustain your performance through a complete round of golf.

Optimizing your body’s energy and nutrient demand is crucial before, during, and after your round or practice. Let’s take a look at the what you should eat before your round of golf.

Pre-Round Fuel-

The key to maintaining your energy level during a round of golf is controlling blood sugar. That means avoiding foods made with refined carbohydrates (things made with white flour and/or sugars).

Examples of High Energy Foods to Eat Before Your Round of Golf:

Yogurt with fruit, eggs with whole grain breads, chili without meat, peanut butter sandwiches, whole wheat pancakes with low sugar syrup, low fat granola, whole wheat bagel with banana, low fat energy bars, tuna sandwich, salad with low fat dressing, low sugar energy drinks and water.

My favorite pre-round meal is a METABOLIQ®  chocolate shake from Qivana.  METABOLIQ® shakes are not just a good source of proteins, but a balanced meal that includes other nutrients vital your body depends on – fiber, healthy fats, and smart carbohydrates.  Not only will you be amazed by how good it tastes, but also by how long you feel satisfied and without cravings.

Examples of Energy Zapping Foods to Avoid  Before Your Round of Golf:

Pancakes or waffles with syrup, Danishes, pastries, donuts, white toast, French fries, fried foods, candy, baked potatoes, pretzels, hot dogs, soda, high fructose energy drinks. Avoid alcohol the night before your round.

For more information about Qivana products visit  kpjgolf.myqivana.com.

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