Favorite Tip-How to Power Up Your Golf Game Part 1

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

I posted over 100 golf-fitness and instructional tips in 2015.  So in case you missed some, I will re-post my favorite ones over the next several weeks. Let me know which is your favorite blog post.

Favorite Tip #3- How to Power Up Your Golf Game Part 1

The number one thing that students ask me at the start of a golf lesson is ‘how do I generate more power?’ No matter how far you hit the ball, you will always want to hit it farther.

There are many factors that determine how much power you generate, but one of the most important factors is how well you rotate your torso and hips in the golf swing.  Over the next few days, I will demonstrate three exercises that not only improve strength and flexibility but help you improve your rotation to increase power.

Benefits of the lunge exercise include developing strength and firmness in your lower body.  The twisting part of the exercise teaches you to rotate over the resistance of your lower body just like what you need to do in the golf swing.

Lunge and Twist

  1. Hold a golf club parallel to the ground and extend your arms out in front of you.
  2. Lunge forward with your right leg, keeping your arms parallel to the ground.
  3. As you lunge forward, simultaneously rotate your torso to the right, keeping your arms parallel to the ground, hold position for a moment.
  4. Then rotate your torso to the opposite side and again hold position for a moment.
  5. Return to the start position and repeat on the opposite leg.
  6. Do 8 to 10 repetitions on each leg.

Come back tomorrow for Part 2 of How to Power Up Your Golf Game.

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