Fitness Workout Plan for Golf-CardioGolf® Week 15

KarenGolf FitnessLeave a Comment

CardioGolf Weekly Workout Plan

This is your CardioGolf® fitness workout-plan

This is your CardioGolf® golf fitness workout plan. Not only is there a week’s worth of workouts for you to complete, but equally important, the plan will help you balance your fitness together with your golf goals.

Not only will you be getting the correct amount of work in during the week to improve strength, flexibility and endurance but also you will be improving your swing technique. Therefore, the CardioGolf® golf fitness workout plans lays out your entire workout ahead of time, and then you can move seamlessly from one video workout to the next.

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Spring Cleaning for Your Golf Swing

You know from playing other sports that if you go for long periods without practicing the skill, you lose feel and power.  When you stop doing something for an extended period of time that requires some form of athletic ability you tend to forget how to do it. Golf is no different.

If it’s been months since you’ve played golf regularly, it may take some time to get your feel and timing back after the long winter. Fitness expert Paul Chek of the CHEK Institute says that hitting a golf ball is comparable to lifting your four-rep max at the gym. You would never attempt to lift your four-rep max after months of not doing it, so why would you go out and play lots of golf without preparing your body and easing in to it?  Spend the next few weeks getting your game and body back in shape, so you can enjoy the summer season and maximize your performance.

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CardioGolf® Online Studio Weekly Golf-Fitness Workout Plan Week 15

Simply sign into your CardioGolf® Online Studio Subscription and after that go to the Weekly Golf-Fitness Workout Plan. As a matter of fact, all the videos will be teed up for you.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Don’t miss your golf fitness workout this week!

The CardioGolf® Online Studio App available for Apple and Android


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