Get your Heart Pumping and your Golf Form in shape with the CardioGolf Fitness System

Karen#CardioGolfChallenge, Golf FitnessLeave a Comment

…No golf ball required!
Don’t hate Cardio.  When most people start to do some kind of cardiovascular exercise like jogging, biking or step aerobics the first few minutes feels uncomfortable, breathing becomes faster and  muscles hurt.  The body is working hard to produce energy very quickly to fuel your movements.  But then after a few minutes the body switches its energy source, the breath slows down and the work feels more comfortable according to studies. 
Most people hate that initial feeling of cardio-exercise, so they don’t like to do it.  But I promise you if you can get over those first few moments of ‘pain,’ the exercise will feel better and easier to do.  Cardiovascular exercise is very important to the body, so don’t skip those cardio sessions. 



The challenge is straightforward-simply make 1000 practice swings over the month to improve your swing technique and increase clubhead speed.

You don’t need to go to the driving range or golf course, you can simply make practice swings in your garage or living room at home a few minutes a day (just make sure that you don’t whack the ceiling or walls!)

If you don’t have enough room to swing a regular club, use the ‘Shortee Practice Training Club’.
 Click here for more information.


Break it Down-make 30 practice swings a day for 30 days and you will have made 900 swings over the course of a month.  Okay, so it is not exactly a 1000 swings, but close enough (if you really want to get technical, you’ll have to take 33.3333 swing per day to reach 1000 practice swings).  The amount is not the point, the point is to be consistent with your practice; take a few minutes out of your day to work on your golf swing and get some exercise.

How the Challenge Works-

1. Warm Up First-

Before you play, practice or work out, you should always do some kind of warm-up routine to prepare you body to move smoothly.  Do these moves using the CardioGolf Slope.

2. Make 30 Practice Swings-

After you have warmed up, make 30 practice using the CardioGolf Shortee Club.

Watch the Video


The term “the wheels are falling off” usually comes mid-round when you start to lose focus and your muscles start to fatigue. One way to alleviate this syndrome, is to work on increasing your endurance or stamina. The definition of endurance is the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear.

Aerobic exercise also known as endurance exercise or ‘cardio’- is when oxygenated blood is pumped by the heart to muscles in the body. The term aerobic actually means “with oxygen,” which means that breathing controls the amount of oxygen that can make it to the muscles to help them burn fuel and move. The more you increase your aerobic capacity, the more endurance and stamina you will have on the golf course.

The American Heart Association recommends that everyone reach a minimum of 30 minutes of some form of cardiovascular exercise 5 to 7 days per week.

Cardiovascular Benefits:

Aerobic exercise conditions the heart and lungs by increasing the oxygen available to the body and by enabling the heart to use oxygen more efficiently.

Additional Benefits of Aerobic Exercise:

  • Control of body fat: Aerobic exercise in conjunction with strength training and a proper diet will reduce body fat. Increased resistance to fatigue and extra energy
  • Toned muscles and increased lean body mass
  • Decreased tension and aid in sleeping Increased general stamina Psychological benefits: Exercise improves mood, reduces depression and anxiety.
  • Keep excess pounds at bay: Combined with a healthy diet, aerobic exercise helps you lose weight — and keep it off.
  • Increase your stamina: Aerobic exercise may make you tired in the short term. But over the long term, you’ll enjoy increased stamina and reduced fatigue.
  • Ward off viral illnesses: Aerobic exercise activates your immune system. This leaves you less susceptible to minor viral illnesses, such as colds and flu.
  • Reduce health risks: Aerobic exercise reduces the risk of many conditions, including obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, stroke and certain types of cancer. Weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as walking, reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Manage chronic conditions: Aerobic exercise helps lower high blood pressure and control blood sugar. If you’ve had a heart attack, aerobic exercise helps prevent subsequent attacks.
  • Strengthen your heart: A stronger heart doesn’t need to beat as fast. A stronger heart also pumps blood more efficiently, which improves blood flow to all parts of your body.
  • Keep your arteries clear: Aerobic exercise boosts your high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or “good,” cholesterol and lowers your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad,” cholesterol. The potential result? Less buildup of plaques in your arteries.
  • Boost your mood: Aerobic exercise can ease the gloominess of depression, reduce the tension associated with anxiety and promote relaxation.
  • Stay active and independent, as you get older: Aerobic exercise keeps your muscles strong, which can help you maintain mobility as you get older. Aerobic exercise also keeps your mind sharp. At least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three days a week seems to reduce cognitive decline in older adults.
  • Live longer: People who participate in regular aerobic exercise appear to live longer than those who don’t exercise regularly.

Visit to download the FREE Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warm Up Routine E-Book.

Do the Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warm Up Routine.Practice something about your game everyday. #CardioGolfChallenge


Get your Heart Pumping and your Golf Form in shape with the Cardiogolf Fitness System…No golf ball required! Professional golfers know the importance of athletic development for golf. As a recreational golfer, you may not have the time to train like an elite athlete, but by simply adding a few swing drills into your daily routine, you can dramatically improve your game. And you don’t have to go to the golf course or driving range, you can do these exercises at home with the Cardiogolf Slope and Shortee Training Club.



Karen Palacios-Jansen is a LPGA Class A Teaching Professional and a Certified Personal Trainer specializing in Golf Fitness. Karen serves as the National Vice President of the LPGA Teaching And Club Professionals Membership and has been voted as one of America’s  “Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professionals”by Golf Digest Magazine and  “Top 50 Instructor” by LPGA.  Karen received the prestigious LPGA National Teacher of the Year award in 2008.

LPGA Teaching and Course ProfessionalsKaren Palacios-Jansen is the creator of Cardiogolf, a golf-fitness program available at Cardiogolf.comKaren’s website is  ‘must-see’ resource for golf and fitness instruction. Follow Karen online on Twitterand Facebook.

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Clothes provided by Nike Golf-#NikeGolfClub


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