Triangle Pose to Create Hip Hinge

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

In order to create power in your golf swing, you need to load your weight at the top of the swing, winding your upper torso over a flexed hip.  This hip hinge assures your weight is loaded behind the ball. If you stand up or change the angle in your back hip as you swing to the top, you will lose the coil. Your weight may actually load in front of the ball creating a reverse tilt and you will be forced to create another power source leading to swing compensations.

Practicing exercises where you have to turn your upper torso over a flexed hip will help you create the hip hinge for a powerful backswing.

Modified Triangle Pose

  1. Stand next to a chair, small table or bench.
  2. Widen your stance, pointing your back foot out away from you as you align your back heel with the arch of your front heel.
  3. Extend your arms, lengthen your spine and contract your leg muscles.
  4. Slowly lean towards the chair, flexing from your hip, keeping your spine lengthened.
  5. Keep your shoulders parallel as you place your hand on the chair, extending your opposite arm towards the sky.
  6. Hold the position for 10 to 15 seconds and return to the start position. Repeat on the opposite side.

This helps stretch hamstring muscles, teaching use to stabilize your lower body and helps boost mobility in your shoulders. Triangle  poses also helps you even out the length of muscles on either side of your body. As you tilt into triangle, you’ll know right away if your sides are tight, and especially if one side is tighter than the other.

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