Cardiogolf 1000 Practice Swing Challenge Day 4

KarenCardiogolf Daily Dose, Golf Fitness

A note from Karen:

The challenge is straightforward-simply make 1000 practice swings during the month (30 practice swings a day) to improve your swing technique and increase clubhead speed.  You don’t need to go to the driving range or golf course, you can simply make practice swings in your garage or living room at home a few minutes a day (just make sure that you don’t whack the ceiling or walls!)

If you don’t have enough room to swing a regular club,  use the ‘Shortee Practice Training Club’ by GolfGym.  Click here for more information. 

Day 4

Perfect Your Aim

Statistics show that the average golfer loses one stroke every time he misses a fairway or green.  If you want to save strokes, you need to hit fairways and greens and the easiest way to do that, without changing your swing, is to become really good at aiming.

By aligning your body correctly at address position, you give yourself a better chance to put a good swing on the ball.

The truest measure of your aim come from your shoulders which should be parallel to target line.  If your shoulders are not aligned correctly then the club will follow the incorrect line.  Make sure that your feet, knees, hips and especially your shoulders are aimed parallel to  your target line.

Take the challenge with me.  Post a note  on my Facebook page letting me know that you are up for the challenge.

Follow my Instagram Page to see me make 30 practice swings a day for one month-Follow my Instagram at

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