CardioGolf® Certification-Week 5

KarenCardioGolf™ Certification, Golf FitnessLeave a Comment

Week 4 Review-

  1. Read the CardioGolf® Slope PDF located in Dropbox (item no. 15).
  2. Read the CardioGolf® Shortee Club and Slope PDF located in Dropbox (item no. 18).
  3. Create ‘Groove Your Swing’ Workout.  Choose 10 to 14 swing drills and exercises and sequence them into a flow routine.  Write out the flow.  Follow the CardioGolf® Workout template that is located in Dropbox (item no. 19).  You just have to write it out.  You will want to keep your written workouts in your files so that you can refer to them when you are teaching.
  4. Create a 5 to 10 minute video demonstrating 3 to 4 swing drills using the Shortee Club and/or Slope.

Week 5-

Objective- Learn to improve core muscles to help improve golf swing mechanics.


  • Review Body and Golf Swing Biomechanics PDF located in Dropbox (items no. 16).
  • Take yourself several times through the CardioGolf® Core Stability Workout located in the CardioGolf® Online Studio.   You can find the written workout called CardioGolf® Strength and Stability Workout #1 located in the CardioGolf® Certification Manual starting on page 98.  See the workout video link below.
  • Make a video demonstrating 2 to 3 core stability exercises from this workout.

Video Support-22:04 min Core Stability Workout for More Distance-Pink Version (039)22:04 min Core Stability Workout for More Distance-Pink Version (039)


Take yourself several times through the CardioGolf™ Core Stability Workout-

CardioGolf® Core Stability Workout-

Objective-To improve postural and core muscles Time-10 to 30 minutes Intensity-Moderate to Intense


To improve your golf swing, you need to improve your core muscles. If you have a weakend or deconditioned core, it is very difficult to make a complete motion in your swing. In this routine, we focus on improving postural and core muscles to build a good physical foundation for your golf swing.


After you have performed the CardioGolf™ pre-round warmup routine, perform each exercise in this workout according to your fitness level.

Equipment Needed:
CardioGolf® Slope
CardioGolf® Shortee Practice Training Club
GolfGym® Balance Ball
The GolfGym® 8 Pound Double Handled PowerBall

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Core Rotators-

Sit upright on an exercise ball or chair, up against a wall, maintaining good posture. Using a medicine ball or weight rotate the ball to the right touching the wall behind you, then rotate the opposite direction and touch the wall behind you on the other side. Rotate side to side trying to touch the wall with each repetition. Do the prescribed amount of time according to your fitness level.

You can use a small hand weight instead of a medicine ball or no weight.

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Wall Angels

Stand up against a wall with your arms bend at 90 degree angles. Slowly raise your arms straight up, trying to keep your back to the wall, extending your arms as high as you can. Hold for a moment and drop arms down to start position. Do the prescribed amount of time for your fitness level.

You can do this without a wall as shown.

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Shoulder Rotators

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms bent at 90 degree angles, fingers pointing up in the air. Slowly rotate shoulders so forearms drop parallel to the ground. Return to start position and repeat for the prescribed amount of time for your fitness level.

This can be done with or without weight. This will strengthen your rotator cuffs so you can generate more clubhead speed.

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Standing Row

Stand in your golf posture, arms extended out in front of you. Slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together bringing your elbows up to your back. Drop arms down to start position and do the prescribed amount time according to your fitness level.

This can be done with or without weights. This exercise will strengthen your postural muscles in your back.

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W’s and Y’s

Stand with feet shoulder width apart bending slightly from the waist. Bend your arms at the elbows so that they look like the letter ‘W’. Slowly extend your arms out at an angle so that they form the letter ‘Y’. Return to the start position and do the prescribed amount of time according to your fitness level.

This exercise will strengthen your shoulders and upper back.

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Shoulder Rotators on a Ball

Sit on an exercise ball, then roll down so only your shoulders are on the ball and arms bent at 90 degree angles. Slowly rotate shoulders so forearms are perpendicular to the ground. Return to start position and do the prescribed amount of time according to your fitness level.

This can be done with our without weight. This is a variation of the Standing Shoulder Rotators, but you are working muscles at a different angle.

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Basic Bridge

Lie on your back and bend your knees. Slowly raise your hips off of the ground, so that your torso and legs form a straight line, like a plank. Return to start position and repeat for the prescribed amount of time according to your fitness level.

Bridge with Shoulder Retraction

Lie on back and get into Basic Bridge position. Lace your fingers under your hips as you squeeze your shoulder blades together raising your upper back off the ground. Hold for the prescribed amount of time according to your fitness level. Not pictured.


Cat and Cow Pose

Start on all fours with your back flat. Slowly arch your back and look up. Return to start position, then slowly round your back and look down. Alternate between arching and rounding your back for the prescribed amount of time according to your fitness level.

This exercise will loosen up back muscles so that it will be easier to follow-through.


Abdominal Stretch

Sit on a ball the roll down to drop your head off the ball and extend your legs. Hold stretch for your prescribed amount of time for your fitness level.

Stop immediately if you feel dizzy. If you do not feel comfortable doing this stretch on a ball, simply lie on the ground and stretch your arms over your head like in photo on the bottom.


  • Week 1-Make a video of yourself demonstrating the CardioGolf®  Pre-Round Warm-Up Routine.
  • Week 2-Make a video of yourself demonstrating the CardioGolf Swing Positions.
  • Week 3-Make a video of yourself demonstrating the muscles biomechanics.
  • Week 4-Create a 5 to 10 minute “Groove Your Swing Workout ” video demonstrating 3 to 4 swing drills using the Shortee Club andor Slope.
  • Week 5-Make a video demonstrating 2 to 3 core stability exercises from CardioGolf® Core Stability Workout.

Please consider becoming certified in CPR to keep your classes safe.  You can become certified online.  Some gyms require this certification to teach exercise classes.

Visit to become certified.

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