Cardiogolf Daily Dose-Activate Your Core and Brain

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Practice something about your game everyday. #CardioGolfChallenge

The exercise is a variation of the cross-crawl exercise which is an excellent exercise to activate both sides of the brain because you are doing movement in two different directions challenging your balance and coordination. This exercise links the right and left hemispheres of the brain, allowing for electrical impulses and information to pass freely between the two.

Why is this important for golf? Because the golf swing requires both sides of the brain to be working in conjunction to create a fluid motion. If the right and left sides of the brain don’t communicate effectively, the swing with be out of rhythm and synchronization.

Standing Core Rotators
  1. Assume a modified golf stance.
  2. Reach your arms over your head.
  3. Take your right elbow towards your lifted left knee.
  4. Return to start position and take the left elbow to the lifted right knee.
  5. Alternate taking opposite elbow to opposite knee, twisting from the waist.
  6. Do 8 to 10 repetitions.


According to Back to Health, humans are contralateral beings in reference to their neurological organization. The automatic sequencing of upright muscle movement (walking and running) is meant to be always coordinated the same way. That is the right arm goes forward, the left leg will do the same and when the left arm goes forward, the right leg will do the same. This is what is meant by a contralateral (cross pattern) neurological organization.

Contralateral or ‘cross pattern’ is learned.  We learn this as we crawl on the floor as babies.  We further develop these patterns, to ingrain them into our nervous system, by walking, running and doing more complex exercises.

But just because we learn these patterns as children, doesn’t necessarily mean that the movement stays in our nervous system for the rest of our lives.  In fact, if you don’t do these complex movement patterns or stimulate your nervous system, on a regular basis, you lose the motion.  That is why athletes practice their sport so much. They are rehearsing the movement so that the body doesn’t forget. That is why professional golfers spend so much time practicing their swing to ensure that their nerves are functioning properly when it is time to perform.

One way to active your nervous system so that you are able to perform at your peak is to do cross-crawl exercises. This exercise will not only warm up your muscles but active both sides of your brain to perform at your best.

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Clothes provided by Nike Golf-#NikeGolfClub

Karen Palacios-Jansen is a LPGA Class A Teaching Professional and a Certified Personal Trainer specializing in Golf Fitness. Karen serves as the National Vice President of the LPGA Teaching And Club Professionals Membership and has been voted as one of America’s  “Top 50 Golf-Fitness Professionals” by Golf Digest Magazine and  “Top 50 Instructor” by LPGA.  Karen received the prestigious LPGA National Teacher of the Year award in 2008.

LPGA Teaching and Course ProfessionalsKaren Palacios-Jansen is the creator of Cardiogolf, a golf-fitness program available at Cardiogolf.comKaren’s website at is a ‘must-see’ resource for golf and fitness instruction. Follow Karen online on Twitterand Facebook.

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